
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Moby

Mama (Me) and E walking at the park
Oh, how I love it. It was a Christmas gift. N was due in March. I totally forgot about the thing until a couple weeks after she arrived. I pulled out the ginormous (technical term) roll of fabric . . . and thought "ha! yeah right!" . . . . To my delight the learning curve wasn't so steep. I wore N in that thing absolutely everywhere. She loved it. I loved it. I rarely even pulled the bucket out of the car. Even if she fussed the slightest bit when I pulled her out of the car seat she'd always settle beautifully once she was cuddled close and wrapped tight. We enjoyed it fully until she was a chunky 9 months and then I finally had to put it down because it began to hurt my back when she got a little to demanding with her movement and I was expecting little E. There's something spectacular though about being that cuddly close to your baby and still being able to function. (Trust me here, you can reach around it when you're doin' your bidness even better than with the growing bebe belly. haha!) I was so thrilled that before long I'd get to pull out my ginormous wonder-wrap and cuddle close to my new love. Oh, and it was love again and so much more. Let me tell you, if these were made available to more women they may not mind having their kids spaced close together. (That may be a stretch.) But, for real, after she nurses I can put 1 month old E in here and sit in the floor to play with 19 month old N, load the dishwasher, use the lady's room, and conquer a basket of laundry with BOTH hands. No swing, bouncer, toy, or soother could match this thing (not counting the boob here). I seriously recommend it. Once you get the hang of it, the only reason you know you're wearing it is that sweet warm body snuggled to yours and that little head made constantly available just under your chin for kissing. If it was logical and cheap, I'd get one in every color and compare them to shoes. I should get paid big buckaroos for all the marketing I do for it too. (*holds hand out*) I even get this squishy, bubbly feeling in my soul when I see all the down-to-earth mama's on Discovery or National Geographic wearing their babes. I certainly must admit I believe we were meant to always carry our babies: in our bellies, in our hearts, and in a wrap.

All the babywearers out there that caught that pun in there deserve a cookie. I'd give you one but I don't have any because I ate them all. They were good too. Chocolate chip oatmeal, nom nom nom.

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