
Friday, August 2, 2013

Deal$ on . . . guess! guess!

     Books. Ebooks. I have no agenda here. I'm just sharing the love. I don't pay enough attention so I've just discovered that Amazon has monthly deals on Kindle books. This month happens to be quite snazzy! I normally just peak through the sidebar list of free books on the website or just search for whatever with "free" somewhere in the search bar. All of these are on sale for less than THREE dollars.

For the kids:
Amelia Bedelia
Judy Moody
Don't Wake Up the Bear
1-2-3 Va-Va-Vroom
When We Go Walking
Alice in Wonderland (free!)
Lily Lemon Blossom (free!)

For the adults:
Black by Ted Dekker
Tales of the Jazz Age by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Berry Bible
House Mommy's Boredom Busters (free!)
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (free!)


Here is the page with all the free fiction classics from Anna Karenina to Treasure Island! I have several of these all ready.


Here is the page with a ton of free recipe and cookbooks on anything from canning to paleo!

Enjoy! :)

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